Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In random

Confession - Today is my first attempt to make sambal goreng. My hubby's fave. hm my own verdict? tak cantik.. tapi making me hungry now. I'm weaning off from my helper... need to get back on my feet. She comes in twice a week to help clean only. My tooth broke - arggghhh.. dental appointment at 2pm. A sudden realization of taking care of my health dawned upon me. I've been very very neglecting of myself. Need to take multi vits. Looking at ligo when we met the other day.. sungguh discipline anak2x nye. Hmm mine.. like all over the town gitu. Another realization - I don't have constructive activites for my kids. Need to plan one. Admire Lun also for having such activities with Dibdib. In love - with John Legend and James Morrison. Mother's day - I went to watch spiderman 3. Love the effects. Love the webshots. Love the battle between Harry and Spidey. Draggy and don't like screamy girl, MJ. Sandman looks scary. And I like Aunty Mae's character. such warm old lady reminds me of breadpudding with vanilla sauce on a warm plate. Had my hair cut that day too. Another realization - efforts needed to be a good wife... self presentation very poor lately. Told myself I need to go for hair steaming and attempt to get ear pierced again for the 3rd time! Well what kinda cake are you?
You Are a Chocolate Cake
Fun, comforting, and friendly. You are a true classic, and while you're not super cutting edge, you're high quality. People love your company - and have even been known to get addicted to you.


lunacy said...

wah sambal goreng!! how u did it eh?
so its now time for make ova?

aqriz said...

next time nak masak sambal goreng, kita boleh consider, rewang together ok. I pun masih nak finetune that dish ;->

aqriz said...

but to me, SandMan look like a very SADman, kesian dia, nak cari duit for anak, tapi in wrong way. gaya orang terdesak..*sob sob*

I_mshe said...

sambal goreng my mother very different. pakai kentang.. untuk kenyang and abit of daging cincang as perasa. or house hantu sambal goreng.

serai lengkuas lada kering blender, bawang merah and bawang putih blender. tumis bawang then serai all, masukkan daging cincang (segenggam) ohh sebelum tu jgn lupa kentang rebus.. potong kecik2x
then semua masukkan ah.. the tahu tempe and half batang serai kalau nak masukkan lagi pun boleh, gula sikit masukkan air sikit. garam secukup rasa.

dah abis.

ya lah.. ade satu kakak kat loyang point yg cut my hair willing to teach me make ova! soo nice of her. nak join sekaki?

lunacy said...

hmm ni case orang arab masak sambal goreng lah ni. yeah ibuk style also diff.

ahhh! korang bebual pasal spidey eh? ingat apa tadi..

Yati WTL said...

wah ada resepi lah kat sini..boleh cuab

Yati WTL said...

Someone curi my car tyres!!!