Saturday, May 05, 2007

I think the only male type of human being who could understand what a woman who's name is mother goes thru is a gynaecologist. Not the husband. I get upset easily.. postpartum? maybe i dont know ..all i know is its how i feel and no one understand what i feel. i'll just shut up and move on. I know i'm not the only one who's tired at home. But I am the only one who feels soo lonely and lost. Where is me? what's me like? how do that me sound? what would she say or do? I've got no sound career/life/motherhood/family/me? plan.. I've got to do so many's all on me.. but i'm limited by pain and movement. i'm alone in this. No mother would understand even. (unless u go thru c-section)


.S.K. said...


Perhaps, Allah wants you to remember that you're not alone... that He's there for you...
For, this is the time when you will go to Him and ask Him for Companionship and Strength... This is the time to be with Him...

Wallahu a'alam...


aqriz said...

limited movement due to pain, I guess, make you feel like this...

would be nice if you can get someone to jaga Nuha for awhile while Umar in skool> Then you have time on your own, to go shopping ke or just lepak at home.

I can babysit Nuha, for a day tau, let me know ok, I'm free after my madness week, last week.

Yati WTL said...

Hang in there..insya'allah all this will come an end.

Think of all the good things...KL in July for instance. :)

It is nice of you, Ligo.

I_mshe said...

Thanks for the support. I think i need to learn to handle 2 kids. I SIMPLY cannot imagine those with more than 2 kids! i salute salute salute!

Well i'm all sore today.. semalam mcm nak demam terus amik panadol makan. Umar had 40c fever. Nuha has rash all over her face and today chest and behind. Im just freaking out but taking it easy. Its crazy. I need cold coffee.

I_mshe said...

btw.. the dreamer... shahrezaad? hot stuff!

lunacy said...

sorry hv not read ur latest entry. u hang'in there k. Jgn lembek, kene use ur emo side as energy to fight back whatever sadness u hv.. and dun forget to doa pada Allah. He's there near you keep on praying. masa gini kengkadang blum bley solat so banyak jugak yg menghasut tau. ingat tuu.. eh, why nuha? make sure umar tak get close or kiss nuha ya and practice to wash hand before touch nuha.. just be kiasu bit lah..cian kan dia...

.S.K. said...

yeah, I conked up my google account somehow :p Not sure what to do about that for now... until my silent moment ends...
long story. long, long story :`(

Hope you're better... do remember to send solawat and recite li khamsatun while rubbing whichever part of you that's in pain...(this just came to mind tonight...)
wallahu a'alam...


I_mshe said...

oh thanks... tahnks soo much for the reminder. aku ingat aritu dah boleh mandi..hepi2x gi mandi and solat.. sekali got blood. sedihbalik.. thanks for the li khamsatun..