Sunday, March 18, 2007

random thoughts - while you are still inside

On the subject of peeing

  1. With the countless times of peeing over the period of 39weeks now, i find flushing a waste of water.
  2. In fact, I know my way round with my eyes close most of the time.
  3. The shortest time span from one pee to another is 35 mins.
  4. The longest time span from one pee to another is 2hrs.
  5. The most I peed is when you (not you - the baby) move too much
  6. As most of the 24hrs a day is spent in the toilet, I had to make the toilet alittle more interesting. Previously I didn't bother how the toilet looked like.
  7. Glade does work in the toilet
  8. The average time spent in the toilet peeing is 5.5 mins

On the subject of dressing up

  1. Color co-ordination matters most
  2. In fact sheer lipgloss brightens up the bloated face
  3. The best dress to wear is the jubah- it's free and easy and roomy
  4. when they say those maternity pants you bought is stretchable and would last you till you give birth and in fact after - well, they lied.
  5. Looking all pregnant and dolled up is fun after all!
  6. You don't get those freebies when you are pregnant. Civic-mindedness is passe.

Most often told to me

  1. "Take your time, it's okay". All said by taxi drivers.

What cheezes me off

  1. Smoke and smokers
  2. Irresponsible dog owners
  3. Irresponsible joss paper burning - they get away all the time don't they?
  4. Suckers
  5. People who stand up just to suck up to their boss and protect their rice bowl.
  6. People who walk so close to me, just close enough to almost knock me down so that *I* would give way to them. They won't bother saying excuse me. I was almost knocked down just now by a shopping cart.
  7. Limp hair (suggest that they have not washed their hair for past God Knows Howmany days!)
  8. Body odors.
  9. People who expect *YOU* to open the door for them and not hold it for you to pass by.
  10. Bikers who drive or park their bikes at the void deck or by the walkway.
  11. Cyclists who ring their bells a mile a way expecting you to give them the right-er way.
  12. Singaporean drivers.
  13. IN fact give them anything that requires them to man-handle (cars, strollers, shopping cart, rollerblades, motorbikes, bicycles) they take it as if its Formula One and they have 5 secs to go before the clock stops.


lunacy said...

1st part abt u peeing hehehe masa kimi dulu i had bad cough sampai kene suspect pnuemonia. imagine the hard cough, my bladder cam loose and i pee on my *tut tut*

time kimi i dinch wear jubah at all!! im vain mama.. but imshe i hv to disagree abt those maternity pants cos it fits me then and it fits me now :). yeah i hate those who stand close to me.. giler tak nampak ke perut nih!! but most of the time, i feel so bless cos i got
pple opened doors for me and etc..

so what ur gynea said? cervic dah bukak blum?

I_mshe said...

wait another week lor!

awan said...

byknya mama komen.

anyway, tak sabar rasanya tunggu baby kuar ...hehe

lunacy said...

awan pulak dah ova pms blum kekekeke...

Cekya said...

a week and umar's gonna be the big brotha! heheheheh...

I_mshe said...

eh cute.. suka dengar comment dari lelaki!

well i'm still around.. even after the contraction frenzy last nite. tadi pagi had my pre-natal massage... i love it..

.S.K. said...

I dunno about contractions but asthma attacks are attempts at massive mind- over-body control...
I want a massage from Dean, boohoohoohoo...