Friday, March 30, 2007


Salam! It was just last Thursday that I blogged 'complaining' abt my day. And now a whole new week has passed and I've got Nuha Alia in the family. Today Umar is down with cough and cold. And me all alone at home with 2 kids! A whole load of difference! Well I'm going to attempt to citer kan u all ape yang berlaku hehehe... without pics tho. I haven't had the time or complete health yet. But Insha Allah it will come. Well citer dia cam nie.. 11:30am My mom's place. Tgh sedap2x makan lunch .. yelah masak bamia lah katakan.. wahh best sungguh! sampai bungkus bawak balik untuk rumah. Delicious! Lahh hai selama nie akubuat bamia nie salah. rupa pakai bawang goreng belambak .. we'll talk abt bamia alittle later.. another update perhaps. But that was what I learnt! Tgh bgn dari meja makan tak pasal2x sakit pinggang mcm lain gitu. I told my mother.. dia buat dak jek.. hehehe tak pe i know dia Panic Queen. Akupun ikut sama buat bodoh. Hmm gotta wait for hubby to fetch me home and that's at 1pm. 1pm Hubby came to fetch us. Tgh turun tangga .. terasa pinggang loose. aduh.. contraction ke? hmm tak pe. Kitaorang jalan pelan2x tunggu teksi balik rumah. Sampai rumah hubby gi kerja. Umar tidor. And I attempted to sleep. 5:30pm Called hubby bilangkan sakit pinggang.. rasa cam lain sikit. Nie setelah I did mylast entry.

From then on, it got worst and worst. The rasa nak terberak was confusing! I called my sister after that, and she said i'm in labour. I said no lah. Nanti Monday nak gi check up ape? Abistu lupa nak monitor the contractions. But I know for sure I barely had any sleep that nite.

23 Mar 07 8am

Pagi2x hubby tak kerja. Umar dah pergi sekolah. I called my sister again. She said gi hospital. I said no i nak gi gynae je. I wait for hubby to come back from sending umar to school okay? I told her. My sis said she take off and will come straight to my house. Lepas tu my mother pulak talipon. Dah sakit perut? I cakap dah... tapi nak gi gynae je check up. Rupanya my sis and my mom in cahoot nak datang rumah I to whisk me off to the hospital.


Hubby called gynae. Tak tau ape dia meracau dgn clinic tu.. tak pasal2x bila my mom and sis datang he said let's go to the hospital. I pun bersiap sedialah.

Called taxi hubby said taxi on the way. Turun nampak pakcik blasting mengaji.. (if im not mistaken). Mula2x pakcik drive relakz je.. as if we were sightseeing.. I think tak pasal2x he realised that I'm in labour wah pakcik drive macam lipas kodong.. muka terus pucat lesu! ehhehe kesian.

Abistu, bila dah sampai kat hospital, my 3 saviours left me in the taxi! They jumped out and just left! Aku struggle sorang2x nak keluar taxi.. abis tu pakcik nak handover change gave to me.. pakcik dah lah pucat! And me nak maintain.. i said no need wheelchair.. then hubby say need i said no need then hubby say noneed then i think my mom or sis said need .. we conceded. Anyway, memang giler aku nie kalau nak jalan and wait for lift to 2nd level to doc's office kan?

I was wheeled in to doc's office and nurse kata "buat ape kat sini? U dah overdue .. gi labourward lah.."" aduhhh malu nyee. I said okay..So I was wheeled to labour ward.

So drama bermula dari situlah. Aku dengar orang terpekik terlolong dah give birth. Me still waiting....

Nurse masuk kejap2x tanya nak pain killers tak? i said noneed i can handle. Gynae datang dah check semua I asked boleh makan tak? ( aku mana je.. sakit ke ape ke, tak kisah, penting makan) gynae said okay i give u porridge. Wah porridge datang 1 whole bowl aku finish the garnishing and the sauce semua licin. ahhaha tak macam orang in labour.

I was sms-ing my sister.. dia macam heran, mana got time to sms. I said in between contractions can sms. hahahhaha. Jadi dari waktu aku masuk selain menahan pain, taking pics, and reading newspaper, i also watched a whole movie on HBO! And sempat get irritated with hubby.


I asked for painkiller jab on the thigh. Apparently it didn't work at ALL!. wah contraction every 3mins aiyoyoyoy sakit giler...


Decision came for ceaserian at 6:30pm


I was wheeled out of the room. aku dah tak kenal orang.. sakit macam orang giler.

Dalam operating theatre.. i was thinking to myself apsal dia kasi benda oxygen nie macam tak laku je.. jangan bila dia operate i'm wide awake! wahh the pain makin sakit makin sakit! wa duuhhhhhh tak tahan.. Then I was thinking, agaknye dah nak mati... agaknye aku nie byk dosa... sebab tu cam ni keadaan.

bila dia pasang anathesia... sempat ku shahadat and gone.


Nuha Alia was born into the world. Such a pretty little girl. She was 54cm and 3.2kg

God knows what time I was wheeled back to the room. In my giddiness i opened my eyes saw a blurred vision of my husband. In the room I know I mengerang cos damn it was painful!

Well that was it. My labour story.


Yati WTL said...

Alhamdulillah, all went well. tak sabar nak tgk picture nuha alia. pasti secomel namanya.

how's umar?

I_mshe said...

umar is fine. semalam selsema dgn batuk. nari nampak okay sikit.

umar of course berperangai sikit due to adjustment but so far... one to one dia okay. kalau mak and bapak dia ade.. dia extra perangai.

Yati WTL said...

biasalah...nak dapat attention sebab selalu attention utk dia dah ada adik. :)

Cekya said...

"Nurse masuk kejap2x tanya nak pain killers tak? i said noneed i can handle. Gynae datang dah check semua I asked boleh makan tak? ( aku mana je.. sakit ke ape ke, tak kisah, penting makan) gynae said okay i give u porridge. Wah porridge datang 1 whole bowl aku finish the garnishing and the sauce semua licin. ahhaha tak macam orang in labour."

hahahah....tak kira masa dan apa jua keadaan, penting made me laugh la sis.adeh la....i hoped you'll feel better much much sooner...

.S.K. said...

cekya, was laughing over that, too...
i_mshe, that was too cute, too cute...
Thanks for sharing the story...
Ada pinggang loose, lah, pakatan antar ke hospital, lah, ada teksi drebar panik, lah, ada satu bowl licin...
I just dunno why kene C-sect jugak... nak tanya kelmarin, tak sempat...

.S.K. said...

Oh, am very glad, that Nuha has been safely delivered, alhamdulillah :)
Recover well...
(I dreamed you dah terlari-lari)...

lunacy said...

errr .. wat is 1818?