Thursday, January 11, 2007


apa ye nak tulis eh.. tadi ingat sekarang dah lupa.

Almost got myself into an accident tadi. Me in taxi hujan lebat, balik rumah dari ofis. The taxi i was in turn right into the small road which will lead to a carpark entrance on the right. Kat depan kita ade mini van. tak pasal2x mini van nie ambik kiri.. start to slow down. Ahpek nak ambik kanan so that he can go left, tak pasal2x mini van nie dgn sedapnye belok kanan.. lagi sikit teksi cium van. Alhamdulillah takde ape2x.. nasib tak terberanak dalam teksi. Ahpek cool giler.. tak marah pun. Gue yang marah dgn kakak bertudung merah membuat keputusan nak belok secara tiba2x tanpa warning.

Itu satu hal.

Anak ku Umar, kita orang kaki gaduh .. tapi mungkin nowadays ku takde energy nak marah dia.. dia pun naik kepala. BUT.. nowadays bila dia cakap word 'mom' .. terlalulah cute. Slang dia abis slang bapak dia.

Hal ke dua.

Semalam tgk hubby's friend's wife bersalin. Baby girl. Tak sabar nak unload rasanya. The biggest surprise was to meet an OLDDDDDDd school mate. Namanya panjang... korang (lun & Td) boleh teka tak sapa dia? Nak clue? Nama dia ade 7 syllables.

Lagi satu hal.

Old School Mate nie tanya soalan yang dah jadi satu kebiasaan aku terima. Is that your husband? Hmmm next time ade orang tanya soalan nie aku akan jawab "that's my live-in boyfriend of 5years. We are expecting another child". AHAKS.

Hal terakhir sekali.

I want to sell my cybershot. Umurnya hampir 2tahun. Get a better cybershot. AND i finally made up my mind that I want Palm Tungsten (backdated tak?) for my birthday LAST YEAR! memandangkan i dont know what i wanted so ade rain-check lah.

Belum abis.

Bangau2x yang berkeliaran around my area nie.. suka take flights in group. Sooo lah beautiful.. Macam aku tinggal kat Amazon.

Okay dah abis. Leave your comment eh?


Yati WTL said...

tak suka kan org tanya mcm tu...tak suka.

.S.K. said...

Yo, girlfren, stop calling me "TD", thanks ;) You don't see me calling you, "IM", haha...

as for that old fren, I can prolly guess... who else has seven syllables???

Our classmates were about the only ones who could pronounce her name back then... lol...
(I have 9 syllables! ;D )

And finally, that anger... hmmm, was gonna joke about passion or talk about hormones but now, am thinkin' you gotta do something about it...


Mama Emmy said...

gal... i like the intention of you going to answer people in future when they ask you that golden question... i loike!

eh, ade bangau kat umah you... mesti beautiful view kan... i love egrets... on the way to my house ada paya where many egrets will stop by and lepak... mmg cantik...

sape kah gerangan manusia yang mempunyai nama yang begitu panjang... somebody i know??

Alhamdulillah you takde ape2 from that accident.. hey postlah gambar you tengah memboyot... i am trying... hehehe

cekmi said...

amazon? sure best punyer

*cekmi mengelamun*

I_mshe said...

WTL : kekadang people ask obvious question.. kenapa eh?

TD: I like calling you TD.. infectious gitu.

MamaE : Of course you know her. Maybe she is farrr from your mind. 3rd child!!!! wooohooo! maju kehadapan. Eh I tot I sorang je suka bangau.. ade geng

Cekmi : tulah.. everytime dorang take off teringat Amazon.

.S.K. said...

No, no more 'TD'...
Don like it, "MOwMMM"...

I can imagine how he says it but I feel as if I wanna actually hear how your boy says it!

(btw, our seniors would ask me about you, so I'd tell them about your hubby, bwahaha... I'd just start with, have you seen her hubby? No? Oh mannn... - I'd follow up with a description and they'll end with, yeah, sounds like he's perfect for her... and I'd go, ooohhh yeahhh! lol! Oh and then, another description about your son... and soon, about your daughter, inshaAllah...)

Cekya said...

"Old School Mate nie tanya soalan yang dah jadi satu kebiasaan aku terima. Is that your husband? Hmmm next time ade orang tanya soalan nie aku akan jawab "that's my live-in boyfriend of 5years. We are expecting another child"."

wakakakaka....LOVE that one!