Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Im having a fit right now! I called my hubby more than 5 times he didnt answer!!! arghhh! Every time I want to ventilate he is NOT THERE TO ANSWER HIS PHONE!

I am frustrated and pissed with the neighbours!. Next door let her kid cry EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Damn her. Im gonna tell her off. And the people upstairs do this EVERY *bleep* time! I cant get peace and quiet around here!!!! What the hell is wrong with these people!!! THey drill, they bang for god knows what reason!!!!!!

I cant sleep.. cos im a light sleeper especially day time.. and I cant read a descent islamic book bcs I am SOOOO DAMN BLOODY ANGRY!!!

@#$&@&!!@*&%$^#*!!!!!!!!! to you all!


awan said...

marahnya.... hehe.

sabar ye. ujian tu. apa kata masyi gi mandi.

Mama Emmy said...

ooiiitt... ape nih... visit lun nyer blog die tgh marah, visit your blog pun you tgh marah... nih tahun marah2 ke... relax lah sista...

anyway.... org upstairs 2 buat aper sampai you mengamuk giler... sorilah, tahun baru tapi otak aku nih masih yang lama, dah karat, lambat pick up... hehehe

Cekya said...

Aiseh...you sound so pissed off...sabar sis...bak kata awan, gi mandi eh...Bubuh ice kat air tuh...sejukkkkkkk...
Or, hug Umar...;)

lunacy said...

cehhhhh... apa case nih?
wonder how u look like bila u marah ni mesti pembawaan. relex ar.. soon everything will be ova. go hv a gd sex in broad day light. that will help u.


Yati WTL said...

wow..u marah betul. takut.

sabar ya dear.

I_mshe said...

korang buat aku ketawa lah!

hehehe.. anyway.. takde tempat nak ventilate masa tu.. cos hubby busy working so tak angkat talipon. So kat korang jugak aku lepaskan. hehehe

Hmm how come bila i read awan & cekya nye comment I terimagine bubuh ICE KACHANG! hehe i had to read it twice! mandi ice kachang! dah lama tak makan ice kachang :)

lunacy - memang.. bila hal nie je.. idup.

mamaemmy - this late stage nie dah memang jadi kaki gaduh ah... aritu marahkan anak orang tu.. nie nak gi carik gaduh lagi. heheh but i didnt do it. Alhamdulillah masih ade iman:)