Hmm bila sesekali kena tag.. boring lak. Why? Cos I just cleaned up my bag cos I finaly got myself a bag. Hampir serupa dengan Lun nye bag. I saw that bag somewhere Lun. BUt didn't buy it cos takde zipper. Rasa insecure kalau takde zipper. But apparently not all my bags has zipper!
So this is my new bag. All black. Previous one was cream with brown strap. It has 2 zippers on each side. Zipper person. Yup. I believe in buying cheap bags that look good. This is one of my 'expensive' cheap bag - cost me almost $40 SGD.
So you wanna know what's inside the bag? (edited picture *wink*)
Keys - my house and mailbox keys, office keys- main door and room door, office cupboard and moneybox keys. My key comes in a whole bunch cos incase of any emergency I can just use it as a weapon. My keys has been multipurpose - they are also used to open up things when I can't find scissors.
Thumbdrive - I don't usually carry thumbdrive but this has been in the previous bag cos of the work that I was doing from home. I don't know why I still carry it around in my bag. I have two of the same.. I simply can't remember where I put the other one.
National Geographic Mag - tak pernah2x beli mag nie. The cover caught my interest. The origins of life. I bought it last week tak salah. Has been reading it eversince. Tapi memandang busy tak de chance nak abiskan read the mag.
My wallet - bought by my hubby as a gift last year. Dalam tu lagi byk sampah sarap.
My coin purse - It doubles as my wallet without the sampah sarap bila nak pergi lunch. It also contains taxi receipts yg belum sempat claim from the office. Coin purse nie I bought it last year.
Payung - everfaithful payung has been with me for almost 6yrs. Rain or shine :)
Make-up bag - this interest Lun for sure. It contains compact powder, toothpaste, 2 lipliners, vicks inhaler incase hidung gatal or tersumbat or naik lif/taxi busuk, eye drop untuk bijik mata yg gatal and lip balm which sometimes I use under the lipliner or without the lipliner. Ah not forgetting my everfaithful minyak kapak. We got a whole bunch of them kat ofis. And since I am a fan, hiphiphorraylah bila dapat for free. I need this cos I get headaches sometimes. I used to get horrible ones.
Blue bag- this one has earphones for my handphone. In case nak dengar musik kat ofis.
Handphone - lupa nak ambik gambar
Tissue (used) - I'm a culprit for leaving tissues (used and unused) in my bag. Sometimes tissues help me disguise nervousness.
Notebooks - not the electronic but the paper. One is for my casenotes and the other is notes of anything like reminders, budget/expenditure, plan...
Address book- It barely contains any address or phone number in there cos I have my handphone. Entah kenapa I carry this around. Attached is a pen, convinient cos I write stuffs when I'm outside doing work.
Letters - I carry letters around cos I need to call the people to clarify or blablabla. The other piece is my dental receipts.. belum claim lagi.
Of course my everfaithful toothbrush - for my brushing frenzy. I change my toothbrush everytime I see the bristle starts to fray. However me pemalas I just dump it in my bag.
Bankbook - i've been carrying bankbooks eversince I don't know when. Cos I update my bankbook (bukannye ade byk duit) but to track my expenditure.
So that's it. Tak byk content. Kalau belum bersihkan byk khazanah kat dalam. Hmm interesting jugak now that I've re-read the entry.
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