Thursday, January 31, 2008

thanks for your support, Lun. In all your lunacy, your are sensible.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

sense of relief - these few days been at home.. kinda 'practising' the idea of being fulltime mother part-time worker. In a sense also it was a blessing that I raised the issue up. After that I started thinking. It's a projection that perhaps in 6mths time or so I would see myself working part-time if they allow me that is. Otherwise,, it'll be otherwise.

I came out with a healthchart which I hope will track health condition as well as medicine taken. Hopefully I could see something too. I guess for the kids nothing beats having mommy at home. And that is great.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

pneumonia - that's what got in umar. Other than 'kena mata'. Which is a direct reminder to me to be a better parent. he too been sick since i can't remember. I may come out with a sick chart. What u think?

me - sick for past 1mth. had 4 doses of antibiotics, but nothing seems to work. although am sick, i am tempted to shop, seems to be in need of alot of things.

me, work - i have flashed the idea to my supervisor about going part-time. Can i take it back??? soo scared noww....

tooth - nuha has her 1st tooth! one cute on at the bottom. but don't mess with her now. She bites and eats everything! Kinda reminds me of me! ehhehe and the plural subject - teeth got mine fixed 3 pieces. arggh!

hubby - sick on and off.. is the weather or something?

maid - seems to be better health than the rest of us. Alhamdulillah.. then can help take care of the kids. ah if i go part-time we need to let her go. argggh.. can we keep her for awhile longer hubby?? pleassseee


Monday, January 14, 2008

kenapa eh.. why am i penakut atau cautious atau tak confident? whatever it is.. i have not crossed to that side and i fight with myself everyday...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

  • the chicken fettucine didnt turn out right. Burnt within a few secs when i turned to pick up nuha and passed to daddy. argh! i was soo upset till now i feel out of sort.
  • hmmm... not that i follow US presidential movement.. however whoever incoming would shape the directions of world's politics and issues.
  • I read in the papers Today if i'm not mistaken, some guy said why should we be concern abt the future and we are not addressing current issues like poverty. let's the future generation worry abt future issues.Oooo tough stand .. i think poverty and any current issues that we face in our generation will continue into the next generation with toppings. On a micro level, family that is .. I wonder and fear how am i going to do the 'right' things for my kids.. son will be in school..a real school now.. pressure is on... in 2yrs. 3yrs of pre-school education went on just like that.. that swift. Am I on the right track? Will I be able to protect him wil he survive the world?
  • 1st day of school came back home with a bump on the forehead. some kid knock him on the head. Daddy went to school to address the issue. I'm thinking to myself ..this is just the beginning.. more issues to come.. will he be strong for himself? He is sick again. Cough with phelgm. Will he 'outgrow' this one? Wednesday, hospital appointment. Maybe I should just quit, stay home look after him, not like i'm not doing it right i go again, ding dong-ing back and forth.. war with myself. I'm reading Chicken Soup for the working Mum to keep me ..umm... in check? I don't know. Sometimes it made me feel good sometimes it made me feel bad.