Thursday, December 13, 2007

running. it's not really something i was fond of. but i ran. "run forest, run!". I ran to catch the bus. with 2.5 inch heels. tempted to take it off and run barefoot. thankfully. kind driver stopped and waited for me. Thank you thank you soo much. Now, i won't be late for work.


Yati WTL said...

running with 2.5inch heels..i wouldn't dare doing it.

I_mshe said...

yeah but i did it. thankfully its wedge heels

aqriz said...

boleh lah girls..kalau dah hal punya..

and I've mastered the art of squeezing into a pack mrt / bus.

kalau dulu, alahai, selalu lambat gi ofis...hhehehehh