Saturday, December 08, 2007

In spite of the fact that life has been hectic messy and i swear my eyeballs could drain from my eyes.. it's been quite okay actually. Maybe the support from hubby who took off for the week. Yes im bloody stressed up. and many times i'm at constant war with myself. Then the kids 'decide' to fall sick, how can life get any better than this for a working mom?

Thankfully its Saturday. And i'm gonna take it as it is.

Yes I may think of quitting work or probably work from home with whatever I can do. Yes I will risk losing lots of financial gains, income stability perhaps it can work afterall?

I have to find the steps as to how i'm going to achieve that and take the courage. What else can i do besides what I do? I dont know. I do best what I do now. Being a messy mom.


lunacy said...

be a tutor?
work wkend for kelas agama kat masjid?
write a BOOK!! ur yrs of experience in counselling can sell lah babe ..

change maid!!or get rid of the current one kah kah kah ..

I_mshe said...

i dont hv a maid. sent 1st one back 2nd one work for less than 24hrs the next one coming next week.