Saturday, March 03, 2007


Dah 4 hari berturut2x sakit kepala.. mcm berdengung gitu. I put ice pack this morning it went away. Tadi tertidor and woke up with headache again. Agaknye kepala panas. Cos less than 20 mins the ice pack dah cair!

Ligo had a good time i'm sure kat geylang. Minum cheekong! Boy I can certainly imagine the cold cheekong rite in front of my face now. *sigh* sedap! Beli apa Ligo kat geylang?

Nari alittle heavier than usual. More bed bound. Sampai takut nak berak. hehehe but dah selamat melepas dah. Dalam ke sakitan kepala, I can only think of 1 thing and it's the oddest of all. Chen Su Bian - president of Taiwan. Of ALLLLL the things in the things in the world. Chen Su Bian came to my mind! And I can't get rid of it. Must be some wiring in my brain that wanted me to think of an alternative out of the blue kind of thing. Oh cakap pasal brain nie, my current addiction is all hospital related stories, especially 3lbs. It's about this neurologist. Stanley Tucci is the main character yang kononnya nak save kan orang tapi think he is god. Another guy baru kerja 6 bulan but sees his patients with a heart. Very very good. Currently showing on Hallmark Channel. Last nite, the advert kata season finale! *sigh* OH yeah. The old E.R. I am watching that too. Of course my fave CSIs and Law and Order. My fav is actually Special Victims Unit tapi tak tunjuk sekarang. Just the original Law and Order. Tak pe ah ade Benjamin Pratt. Suka tengok muka dia. I heard he is an excellant photographer (tengok kat Oprah). I think he is such a sweetheart. Glad he didn't end up with Julia Roberts.

Teringatkan macaroni and fried chicken. Insha Allah Monday nie dapat lah makan. I ordered for the office as a surprise.

Orang kata masa mengandung nie senses are strong. Tadi bila nak ambik wudhu terbau dengan kuatnya my boss punya bamia and I could actually see it before my eyes! Punyalah sedap. Her specialty is bamia and what's that name.. kachang phool! Excellant giler. I thot of smsing her abt my hallucination. tapi tak pe ah. She is pretty stressed up in fact this is the worst I've seen her in sampai nangis2x.

I sms Lun .. out of wanting to know a question that has been on my mind for the longest time. Air petuban najis tak? Lun thot mine burst. I said not yet. I really do wonder though. Lun punya theory mungkin najis mutawassita. Wah dah lama tak dengar word tu ah! So syiok gitu dengar word tu! Najis pertengahan. Apsal eh?

Cekya how's your baby contest going? Hope it worked well and you got some nice pics to go along with it :)

Kak Emmy how's the saLiVating going? ehehhe nak tengok gambar beg tu.. jangan lupa post it on your blog.

How's the weekend for the rest?


aqriz said...

tak banyak lah beli, nanti I blog about it. kalau makan, yeah, tekak, berselera, order macam3. heheh

my collegue baru balik paris, beli LV tak agak2..6 pieces,she said, cheaper by S$200 - S$300.

lunacy said...

kita blajar bab feqh cam dulu2 k. but again pple normally just wipe the air tuban tu kan? entah lah both babies i got no tuban or blood indication so i really pun tak pasti.

chita, ur sense on food tu very STROng eh?? seram gitu.. u jgn ngidam macam2 sangat takut tak dpt mkn nanti baby air liur meleleh leleh *comot* nauzubillah.

aqriz said...

alahai, my H tu sampai skrg drooling, but much better now. Kalo tak, dah pakai kan dia baju and by the time I siap ready to go, baju dia dah basah.


Mama Emmy said...

i just checked... air ketuban tak najis... dia tak masuk dalam kategori mana2 najis pun... so cara membersihkannya adalah dengan wipe the water only...

I_mshe said...

LIgo - for sure cheaper kat negeri sana.

Lun - dah last minit nie macam2x nak..tadi minta indian rojak walaupun hubby kelam kabut nak gie kerja. cian.

Kak Emmy - thanks for the info yeah.

You all tau tak? I rasa after this one tamat produksi aku sebagai pregnant mother. Tak pasal2x rasa cam sedih gitu. For both pregnancies mcm ade bond gitu. sebab boleh cakap2x boleh gurau2x dgn perut sendiri. Abistu .. nanti tak dapat rasa gerak2x baby... entah sedih rasa.

Tak tau lah nie perasaan last minit ke... mengarut tak? mana tau lepas nie change my mind tak?wallahu'alam

Lun - oh masa pregnantkan umar I nak makan kurma muda yang direndam dgn madu. Entahlah mabuk ape. sampai sekarang pun tak dapat. Tapi takde lah umar air liur meleleh:)

aqriz said...

take care eh masyi..yes, baru2 you will miss the feeling, baby inside you.

for me, i was more overwhelmed, cos I sedih, Snow, kecik2 dah jadi kakak. macam takut, tak dapat jaga dia dengar lebih sempurna.

kira2 camtu lah..tapi tak kan miss being pregnant, asik nak pregnant je pulak..then lepas tu, tak kan nak risau how I divide time?

basically, i macam tak betul sikit lah after delivery ;-)

Mama Emmy said...

I_mshe... i had the same feelings too...

tapikan, naper nak stop... baru dua... buatlah production lagi... biar bertambah umat islam yang berquality.... hehehe

dulu masa lepas ain, i was so cocksure that she will be final... but now, she herself asks me naper takde adik lagi... sungguh ku terkedu...