Sunday, February 11, 2007

Satu gayung je...

Thanks Lun for the sms.

Friday nite - after maghrib tak pasal2x Umar terlentok. He started lying down which is not him to do so.. I asked him are you okay? He said I am fine. (cute lah .. for a 3year old to do his own assessment of himself) Then I tried to explain to him about daddy leaving us for 10 days and he is not coming back for some time. He looked a bit dazed and confused.

Daddy was still not at home then. Somehow tergerak hati for me to touch his forehead. He asked me to call his daddy I said tak boleh call sekarang cos daddy tgh work. His body was extremely hot. Terkejut beruk jap! I terus ambik temp and it was 38.8. Addduuhhhhh.... my sis called me, i told her Umar's condition and then Umar wanted to speak to her. He told her can you call daddy for me please,,, terus gua nangis macam orang giler tak berenti2x. Dari maghrib sampai lah laki balik and that was almost 11pm. Sungguh ku rasa nak kasi laki aku penumbuk malam tu.. tak nampak ke bini dia nie mata bengkak hidung kembang merah...

at about 9:30pm i sms him telling him that umar has very high fever. He balik the 1st qn he asked was can I handle it.. I told him its not about me its about Umar. That really got to his head and he decided not to fly. Hati gue punyaaaaaa lahhhh gembira... tak terhingga but i didnt show cos umar's fever did not subside at all. Yang kesian nye dia mencari bapak dia in his sleep.. lagilah gua nangis masa tu.. sembahyang nangis ... talk to my sis nangis.. tak abis2x. I then realised that I cannot be without him especially now.

Satu malam tak dapat tidor with umar's being unwell. Besoknya I gave him some obat.. his fever subsided... tapi batuk dia macam ade bulu kat tekak. kesian.. I told my hubby kita mesti bawak dia gi hospital cos tgk cam lain je. Skali tu dia muntah macam nak terbalik.. segala khazanah perut keluar. Panik jap laki bini!! sooo sad to see him like this... baru je nak pisah dgn bapak 10 hari sakit teruk. Kita orang pun bawak gi hospital balik kat 12 malam. penat....

so memang jahat hati nie.. but i told my husband the truth. As much as i understand the need for him to go but i can't help being selfish.... that I need him for myself.

This is our cinonet with the cutest grin on earth! Even when he is sick he will always manage a smile and a laugh!

Tempayan tu semua dah simpan balik dalam store room.......


Yati WTL said...

hope umar is feeling better..

cute litte umar..he loves to smile

Cekya said...

i hoped the same as kak yati...if i were you, i might be packing and crying all at the same time....smpi muntah semua..

and his smile. very cheeky lah!

Cekya said...

alahhhh...apa asyik typo nihhh....panicking...bukan packing...huwaaaa!!!

lunacy said...

blessing in disguise, Alhamdulilah. you see imshe, sometimes we just hv to keep hoping for magic. last saturday, we drive pass by ur blk..taha asked me kalau nak gi rumah u so check on u guys but i said jgn lah jabir tak de.. anyway im glad all the tempayan dah pun disimpan. hope umar is better since daddy not going any where.. best kan ada anak?

I_mshe said...

thanks lahh korang.. for your support. memang sedih rasanya.. macam satu kehilangan abistu tak pasal2x timbul balik. alhamdulillah.

cekya... nak packing balik to UK ke? hehehehe..

tadi pagi mimpi dah bersalin... hai.. tak lama kot?

Mama Emmy said...

ehehehe... so maknanya J tak jadik gi US ke??? kui, kui, kui... pandai btul umar psycho daddynyer... even tho not purposely... hehee, and umminyer juga hebat... pandai kau cheetah...

and look at his smile... its like a note saying 'look, i have succeeded in eluding my daddy from going to US' and mummy pun senyum sama.... whoaaaaa hahahaha, komplot yang berjaya!!!!

Kalau pegi johor pun apa salahnya, kalau beranak kat sini jadilah anak m'sia... boley ke???

I_mshe said...

actually itulah yang laki aku suggest.. ajak gi johor jalan2x. i said camne nak lepas kastam?

kalau terberanak.. dah jadi anak johor! yang hepi gerenti nenek dia kat sg! nenek malaysian!

cekmi said...

isnt it true love is so powerful it makes people stay in whatever bad circumstances they are facing? i think you have proven just tt, Miss i-need-you-baby-please-dont-leave-me-behind! haha..

I_mshe said...

alahai cekmi! you make me soo maluuuuuuuuuuuuu.....*blush*