Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fuschia - the new pink for me

ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! dah tulis panjang2x hilang semua nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


malas nak repeat story. Just to let u all know that nie my new craving infact it's my post natal craving. To get a Fuschia top with white pants and soft pink and white hijab. kalau boleh nak complete with pinkish white mother of pearl chunky ring.

my other cravings are abaya with hood and this new style dress - cut half way wear with pants.. donno whats the name called.

why fuschia cos the only pink i ever wore was my school uniform yang kadang2x when i wore it, i over did it.. hari2x yang tak perlu pakai pun pakai jugak! and when i was in my mid teens i had two soft pink baju kurung and in my early adulthood i wore a nice pink .. that pink somehow took my husband away! woohoo.

Dah brapa hari mimpi bersalin mimpi nampak baby.. (to think that i have yet to find a complete name for her!).. rasa time is running short/out on me. Byk benda belum buat .. marketing... no stroller (yang kita berkenan dah kena saut orang), diaper bag (yang i berkenan cost $129!) baby bed (silly shop dont deliver! sungguh lah.. merepek!) bag belum pack.

Lagi satu hal, Umar masih sakit infact today ade hospital appt pagi2x tadi. He woke up with red and swollen eye. kesian. sabar betul dia... truly exemplify what Allah mentioned as patient and steadfast when face with struggle.

kata my sis budak nak beradik kadang2x cam nie.. bongkar penyakit. nie pertama kali ku dgr. ade pantang larang nak kena buat. So later lah Insha Allah. Oh yeah.. pokok mariam (ape eh nama dia) ade dalam laci.. ke keringan kawan tu.. kesian. nak kena mandi dgn dia kan? supaya sejuk badan eh.. nowadays tidor dalam aircon pun berpeluh. My hubby thot I slobber (ish! yuck!)

And walking is a struggle cos macam nak terlepas gitu rasa nye. If I walk fast.. sakit kan diri sendiri je. Ya Allah let it be easy on me. Amin!


Mama Emmy said...

hahaa, kau gila pink... takpelah.. probably bcos you are carrying a beautiful pinkish girl...insyaAllah..

pokok mariam??? ade ke such thing? I thot it is bunga fatimah... kena mandi with it?? I thot minum??? ish mana satu nih...

siannya Umar... bukan pasal nak dapat adiklah... mungkin pasal he is allergic to certain things...

I_mshe... you have to be very patient with all yang datang menduga... ok, banyakkan baca surah maryam tau...

kebaya with pants... definitely looks good on you... slim & tall... no wonder you blew J away..hahahahaaa....

lunacy said...

go get it fast!! fucia sey..

aqriz said...

bunga fatimah, di rendam, and minum air, bukan mandi.

My tukang urut dulu pun gave me air selusuh, buat minum and mandi ;-P

When i was pregnant with Snow dulu, memang pun mentel semacam, nak pink je, then melawa macam tak kira masa, padahal dah lambat

doctor said, change of weather, so all penyakit keluar
*tapi kan, dulu, Snow sakit tak leh angkat jugak, i remember in Dec 2005 for almost 1 mth, and I was due with H on Feb 2006*