Monday, December 04, 2006

somethings you just got to accept and live with it

Today morning my mom called me telling me she feels unwell ... there was blood in her spetum (camne nak spell bende nie.. tak ingat) So me kelam kabut go to the house.. There are somethings i wish i could share for the love of my mother with you all. tapi tak terdaya nak tulis. I was just terribly sad, upset, disappointed and felt it was just beyond my control. What can you say about orang tua. Dorang dah make up their mind kan. Susah nak kata.. macam2x alasan keluar. Believe me I am dead tired rite now. I got home at 10pm. Alhamdulillah i guess it is a blessing now i am working part-time and my employers don't mind me taking off and making it up later. Alhamdulillah juga perut tak sakit pinggang tak sakit. Semalam pergi botanical garden and vivocity... sakit perut and pinggang. Allah kesian kan agaknye. I am just soo speechless and I have no more comment on this cos it's emotionally draining and it is a worthless fight cos we are not going to win. Kadang2x fikiran nie jahat.. brapa lama eh...mungkin tak lama hidupnye... sungguh tak baik fikir gini tapi it's the best for her and for us. Cos ade limit kalau gitu. tapi kalau fikirkan sapa2x pun boleh datang ajal tak kira muda atau tua. Sebab tu kadang2x rasa nak lari saje. Forget this world. Penat. I don't blame my husband for getting angry also. I know he wants to protect me. Tapi ye lah nie nama dia cultural difference. Dia tak faham and tak boleh terima how things just work. Tak boleh just move on and live with it.


Yati WTL said...

gurl...sabar okay. i am always around if you need someone to talk to..anytime.

u dah kerja part-time? kat mana?

hugs n kisses

aqriz said...

masyi, banyak2 lah sabar. cobaan, jaga orang tua. I've seen this before cos my bestfren, had hardtime jaga her sickly mother dulu, tapi puas, akhirnya, dapat jaga mak, macam mak jaga kita dulu

*kan aku dah nangis*

as for your hubby, natural instinct nak protect his wife, tapi ingat kan je, kita ada 1 mak ok

aqriz said...

dan lagi satu i nak pesan...

kalau nak gi vivocity, let me know, i want to tag along. hehehe

I_mshe said...

thanks wtl..i kerja part-time at my old workplace. but my contract will end as soon as i deliver that is in march.

ligo - ingatkan pesannye serious lepas dah nangis.. skali tu.. hal vivocity pulak!

she-blocks said...

ermm i have had experience taking care of my late grandma, till the day she left, a day after my birthday, 6 years back. memang very challenging, terpaksa byk sabar. things like this, jgn kata sebab different cultural coz to sapa2 pun, IT IS disturbing to men.

sabar ya. hugs to umar eh..