Friday, December 29, 2006

Pregnancy amnesia

Yes mine is quite teruk... i can forget things within split seconds and its hard for me to recall or even try to retrace my steps.

ANYWAY!!! I found the bags of baby stuffs which i thought i must have thrown it out together with the trash! Camne tah it appeared at the bottom pile (well belum sempat kemas) in my closet. So out appeared 1 dozen more clothes, 2 bottles, brush.. etc! *sigh* okay lah alhamdulillah .. now she has 3 dozen clothes and 5 sets of mittens and booties! and 2 hats.

okay what else. Oh yeah went to the gynae today... okay i must have mis-read my own body weight. I have gained almost 5 kg in 1 mth. That's 10kg in total!!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!! I was shocked that I weighed myself on the machine TWICE! and i fear another 10kg gain in the next 3mths!! anyway.. i was kinda feeling upset/confused/disappppointed with myself.. cos i thot baby would be small but seems like she's gonna just as big as Umar. *sigh*.. I fear it maybe another c-section eventho the gynae didnt say anything about it. She said kedudukan baby is melintang... maybe she needed the space and she said got room in my tummy so boleh main pusing2x! She said its still early anyway.


1 comment:

aqriz said...

lagi 13weeks, lama lagi lah..memang by this time, baby belum really head down, masih ada space to somersault around..dont worry ;-)