Sunday, July 09, 2006

kata kata kita

My son gives me hugs and tells me he loves me. Before he goes to sleep, when he is in bed, he would look at me and I look at him. I kiss him when he is sound asleep.

World Cup - I am rooting for FRANCE!!! abang2x aku! Stupid me I made an appointment at 10am. Urgh I seriously hope that i can be awake.

Hari ini went to see a friend who just gave birth to a girl. Lun u know her.

I'm craving for something i can't seem to point out. Food?? Book?? Shopping??? I think it's all of it.

I realised i'm not like 'other parents' who leave their kids to play with other kids while they chat with the adults. My eyes would wander to look for my son and make sure he is within an eyeshot.

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