Thursday, December 13, 2007

can't depend on people. got to survive on your own. asking help is like ..ummm its like the most horrible thing to do. but the other party can. no problem. me cannot.


lunacy said...

are u still werking? whose taking care of the kids? that maid yg i jumpa time raya dah kene hantar balik eh?

hmm u lama tak keep us update lah gurl. but ok gak still can think of holiday kan hehehe...

aqriz said...

kadang tu memang. waste karan bukak mulut for help, but at times kena jugak.

tengok lah mana patut.cos me at times macam tu jugak.

lunacy said...

kita smua pun lebih kurang sama kan??

I_mshe said...

ye still werking. nanti new maid coming insha Allah before raya. I tak update cos tgh huru hara jap with d maid yg u jumpa tu. nampak cam ok kan? tapi entah lah... i wish she was truthfull kan. i would have taken different course of action. tapi dia buat dak je cam takde bende berlaku. so it's not rite.
ye lah hal mintak tolong ni ... gitu lah kekadang to each his own...sometimes frens are more dependable........

I_mshe said...

itu tinking of hols tu sebab dah stress must take care of my brain ah.. i balik kerja tiap2x hari lepak giler.. bijik mata kering... soo damn tired. walhal dekat dgn rumah.. tapi its damn stressful and alot of work.