Wednesday, July 20, 2005

3 a.m.

again. I'm up. I felt like i have slept on bed forever. started tossing and turning. this house has some mosquitoes living with us and not paying rent. mosquitoes love me, love to bite me. i have tonnes of bites all over me now. So does warm water work to get some sleep back? It did the last time. I'm a chronic hair puller. My own that is. Especially when I'm thinking or when I'm worried. I was doing that on bed without my realization. I think to speak to one fellow colleague about what's going on in the office. Hopefully to arrest the so-called problem.

It's my hubby's birthday. He's got the flu. but he's going to work tomorrow. I've got some surprise for him at work. hmmm let's hope he actually decides to bring himself to work when he wakes up later.

I visited lunacy's blog. i just realised that there are other stuff there that deserve me to be nosy. SPG. That attracted me... hmm yada yada yada. next. Howie. cool. He was online. Thought I could chat with him. The registration didn't work. Let's move on. Online shopping! wooohooo!

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